This week, I became a published writer. In two places. Yay. And both are Hurricane Harvey related. I received the extra news this morning, which kind of jacked up my plan for writing this week’s blog. Bear with me. I have links I want you to follow, and some haiku-craziness in the rest of this article, because as much as I like talking about me, I like giving you some fun stuff to read.
Spider Road Press is a Houston organization that fellow WWG member is a part of. They asked for Haiku from local writers about their experience during Harvey for their blog. There’s a lot of excellent contributions and noteworthy local authors. They accepted my Haiku about watching it all.
Check them out at:
Last year, I started my journey to become a published author just in time to submit to the Woodland’s Writing Guild’s 2017 Anthology. The theme of Flood was chosen due to the Memorial Day and Tax Day floods that hit our area hard. Compound that experience with Hurricane Harvey, which arrived right when the book was due to be released. The stories and poems reflect a variety of topics around Flood. For me, my humorous short story and rappish poem are my debut pieces.
Today, I left the WWG meeting, where we voted and unanimously agreed to donate proceeds from the sale of the book to the Montgomery County Food Bank for the next three months. Many people lost everything in this area, and help with food is just as important as clothing and shelter. It means a lot if you would buy a copy of the book. The stakes are much higher than seeing what I wrote.
Buy it here from Amazon:
Still here? Great, let’s get onto the Haiku hijinks. In case you forgot, Haiku is a Japanese style of poem writing. Three lines, 5 syllables, then 7, then 5 again. Traditionally about nature, or at least invoking it while still being about something else. When Jody pointed me at the Harvey Haiku opportunity, I went nuts and wrote a few extras. Some from the perspective of friends, some about whatever struck my fancy (HumpDay included). The last one, is a traditional style Haiku with art, written with a real Japanese brush pen I did a few years ago.
Yeah, I dig Haiku.
Please enjoy responsibly.
Oh look! Another!
We all love haiku
It is so easy to do
Count your syllables
curses, foiled again
traditional formatting
is my enemy
There's no hot water
side effects often include
aromatic pain
Offering held high
Mother and child anointed
Flood water rising
My late night surprise
Below float my belongings
From my attic perch
Haikuing at work
A taboo activity
My guilty pleasure
Don't smoke a Camel
Lung cancer isn't much fun
Phillip Morris sucks
Hark! The end is nigh!
The Aesir own your week now
This is Odin's day.
Do the humpty hump
Get off that wall, take the plunge
Week's not over yet
Beautiful Singles!
Really want to chat with you
Spam for your hump day
Corporate weasel
Halfway through the weekly slog
Waiting for Friday
Haiku obsession
Leads to Wednesday depression
Look, I made it rhyme
Who is this Jolene
With auburn hair and green eyes
Why she done you wrong?
Tonight is Write Night
Two Writers and no words barred
In the WWG
By Odin's one eye
This sandwich shall be eaten
My humpday lunch oath
Taco Tuesday's Gone
Somebody should write a song
Don't eat outside. Wind.
Its always HumpDay
Said the dog, to the man's leg
Good to be a dog
Waffles on Wednesday
papercuts and revisions
Must be critique night
General Mahone
Rebel become black man's friend
Where is his statue?
Stuck in haiku mode
Must be very annoying
For other people
Visit New Zealand
No Weta, skip the Shire?
What is wrong with you?