Hi. You know how these web sites work. Click around and see what tickles your fancy. While I'm working on my novel, you can keep up with my shorter fiction or interests. Follow me on social media for updates.
Dino-Pirates of the Wreckless Abandon
Join the crew on their adventure as they visit Ninja Island. New chapters released every month. Captain Raptor is on a hunt to rescue a missing crew mate and show-up his rival Captain King. But can he he succeed when the Ninja Robots become embroiled with his ship? Click the title and find out!
Every Tomorrow Worse?
Visions of the future that end badly. Or do they? Features my post-Ragnarok Viking cultist coming of age story called Angelfall.
The Steampunk Gentleman
Being raised by wolves in Minnesota contributed to a shortcoming in my formal etiquette. That inspired me to research all manner of things for my steampunk fiction. Catch up on what I've learned by clicking the title.